Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Tha-tha-tha-that's all folks!

It's official. For all practical purposes, the Jimmy is dead. It died on me yet again as I was halfway up the exit ramp of the Interstate on my way home. I called the SupaHubby as instructed in the event of another breakdown. He told me to drive to a friends house who lived nearby. I knew it would be at least 45 minutes before SupaHubby could get to me and I didn't want to impose on the friends, so I sat in the truck and almost finished a book I had been reading. The truck died another 2 times while I was sitting there idling. Apparently the SupaHubby called the friends and told them to come out and get me. I was so mad though, I didn't want to bother anyone with my emotions/issues. SupaHubby finally arrived and we swapped vehicles. The friends wished us luck and we proceeded to make the journey home. Just as predicted, the Jimmy gave him absolutely no problems. Imagine that. ARGH!!! Stupid effing truck. I have always had a love-hate relationship with that vehicle. I love it and have always taken exceptional care of it, but it is always messing up and needing expensive repair work. As I followed SupaHubby, I realized that that may have been my last time driving it. That made me kind of sad, but on the same hand, a bit relieved. Never again would she (yep, the Jimmy is a girl, her name is Red) leave me stranded. Never again would she die at a traffic light. Never again would I have to do that magic trick with the hazard lights. Never again would I have to spend 45.00 to fill up her behemoth tank. I shed a few tears over the loss, but losing her means I get a NEEEWWWWW car to play with now. And a new loan.

For sale: 1995 GMC Jimmy 4x4. Looks great, well taken care of, may or may put you in a ditch. All power options, leather, Panasonic CD, 141K. Best offer!!! :)

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