Monday, December 31, 2007
A typical holiday happening
Sunday, December 30, 2007
possibly the last post of the year

The current wip (below) is a lapghan using leftovers from the MIL blanket.

I am working on another blanket for a certain someone when they get knocked up.......*wink-wink* you know who you are. It just needs one more skein to be finished. I also have plans to re-start a blanket I intended on making about 5 years ago for my nephews. I had all the best intentions when the boys were babies to make them a blanket, but since I was looming it (waaaay before learning crochet) I couldn't figure out how to attach the squares correctly. I had 70% of the squares done when I completely trashed it. I am now going to make good on the promise I made myself and get their blanket in the works. :) Only now it will need to be much bigger!!!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
A Donnie Darko moment
The family of the log truck driver kept talking about how their trailer is totaled. Wah-Wah. I know that sucks and they will need to buy a new trailer. Isn't that what we have insurance? Big deal. True it will be inconvenient, but it can be remedied. For another family, their father/husband/son won't be home tonight.
Update: The only remains they have been able to recover of the driver is a few bones. The local news is saying that the family hasn't been notified yet. I don't know how on earth they can figure out who the driver was with nothing left of a truck. I just hate to think that somewhere there is a family who still thinks their family member(s) is on the road hauling their shipment, expected to be home for Christmas.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
At least I don't have a tum-ah!!!
Still no word about jobs. I found out some crappy news about one of the jobs on campus. I was their first choice for the job. BUT, a higher up involved in the hiring process didn't like the way the other administrators were interviewing. He went over their heads and hired a friend of a friends wife who needed a job. Now let me add that this woman knows absolutely nothing about computers and the university system. They will have to train her from the ground up. ARGH!!! I do know that they will be opening yet another position, basically to take up the slack from this lady. I will have to reapply and reinterview. That should be a barrel of monkeys.
I have registered for another test so that I can be eligible for another state job. I would much rather prefer a kush state job over one on campus, but I am not going to be picky at this point.
In all my down time, I am still working on blankets. Most recently I started working on ablanket for the MIL. SH mentioned last week that his mother would LOVE a blanket for Christmas. We went to get the yarn and I started working immediately. I had 14 days to get it done since we will be doing family christmas Saturday. I had 80 squares to create, attach them into strips 8 squares long, attach the strips together, then finish the entire blanket in 5 rows of stitches. I finished the last 14 squares yesterday since I ran out of 2 colors of yarn. While waiting for more yarn, I managed to get most of the strips done. Today I have 6 major connections to sew and will hopefully get started on the finishing. I have never done a blanket of this caliber in this amount of time. WHEW. I will be glad when it is finished. Will get pics soon.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Still unemployed
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
One month and counting
On a positive note, Christmas shopping is almost finished. We managed in record time this year. We started actually purchasing gifts last week and have 2 more small gifts to buy. We also managed to buy while sticking to a budget. We should do it this way every year!! I didn't get to do my usual "home/handmade gifts" this year. I didn't really have the time/money/desire to think about that kind of gift anyway. Maybe next year. I thought about compiling recpies for a cookbook as the homemade gift. When I started looking at publishing, I realized that I should have started a few months ago. I think I am going to do that for next years X-mas. I sent out a mass email entitled "call for recipes" to all my friends and family and have the highest of hopes that they will reply with their family favorite recipes to add. I am pondering the title for the cookbook now. It wouldn't be anything super fancy, just a collection of recipes from people I love. :)
Monday, November 19, 2007
Charity Lapghan Finished!!!

Saturday, November 17, 2007
Music is my king sized bed
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Exploding Pyrex
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Charity Blankets and a Cold

Rippled lapghan
While at a friend's house Saturday, I ended up smoking several cigarettes while watching the Bama game. I woke up Sunday with a hell of a cough. I was under the assumption that it was just the cigarettes. It wasnt. I coughed all day yesterday, had a runny nose and my throat has been sore to boot. Lucky me! I have a cold! I spent all morning in bed and have been drinking water like it is going out of style. It has been ages since I have been sick so I have forgotten exactly how it feels. I am going to do everything in my power to prevent this cold from turning into a sinus infection. The last one I had was the worst one ever. I remember sitting in the waiting room at the doctors office with a terrible cough. I really thought I was going to cough up a lung. I know everyone else in there was getting p'od because I couldn't stop the coughing, but I was a sick girl. They ended up giving me two shots in the heinie. One was an antibiotic, the other was a steriod. Needless to say I am trying to nip this one in the bud before it turns. I have a dentist appointment AND a job interview Thursday morning, so I need to be as close to 100% as I can by then. SH went and bought me some chicken soup and meds to help me heal. Wierd but I have been craving oodles of noodles soup. mmmmmm. Warm brothy goodness.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Charity blanket and a Chicken
40 Cloves and a Chicken
1 whole chicken (broiler/fryer) cut into 8 pieces
1/2 cup plus 2 tablespoons olive oil
10 sprigs fresh thyme
40 peeled cloves garlic
Salt and pepper
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
Season chicken with salt and pepper. Toss with 2 tablespoons olive oil and brown on both sides in a wide fry pan or skillet over high heat. Remove from heat, add oil, thyme, and garlic cloves. Cover and bake for 1 1/2 hours.
Remove chicken from the oven, let rest for 5 to 10 minutes, carve, and serve.
When I started fixing my plate, my chicken fell off the bone it was so tender. The cooked garlic cloves are wonderful smooshed onto bread. This dish is going to be a regular fixture at our dinner table.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
My latest crochet

Version 3 - Make it Quick

Saturday, October 27, 2007
BUT, I am jobless again. I applied for a job here in town Wednesday and am going to keep my eyes peeled. I don't expect to find anything right away, but I hate being the unemployed member of the household. We are just gonna have to tighten our belts for a little bit.
The charity blanket should move along quicker now. I started another strip this afternoon and have made quite a bit of progress on it. I keep forgetting to take pictures!!! Must do tomorrow.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Charity Blanket #2
On a sidenote, does anyone here use Ravelry to keep up with their projects? I have seen other blogs where their ravelry "project progress" is added and can be viewed on the blog. Anyone know how to do that?
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Happy Anniversary to me and the SH
Friday, October 12, 2007
Almost holiday time!
My MIL has asked me to make some beaded ornaments for her. I don't know if they will be gifts or if they will be for her own tree. I made about 24 of them last year to sell at a craft fair. I thought for sure I had pictures of them, but can't seem to put my finger on em. Anyway, they were a huge hit. Many were purchased to give as teacher gifts. That will be another fun project to get started on.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Faboo news on the home front!!!
Saturday, September 29, 2007
My latest doilies
Thursday, September 20, 2007
One not so crafty bitch
I started a new doily earlier in the week and made it through several rounds but as I started another round, I found a boo-boo at the beginning of the previous round so I ripped it all out to start that round again. I haven't started back. Maybe I will work on it this weekend.
I now think that the toe is really broken. After two weeks, it is still swollen and tender. I can move it, but the motion is very limited and painful. I feel at times that it is a "ghost toe". It seems to not want to follow the movement of the rest of the toes. When I take my work shoes off, I find it kind of overlapping the toe next to it. Very odd. I have tried to spend any "free" time I have with the foot up but that hasn't helped one iota. About 97% of my workday is spent standing and running around, and I know that doesn't help. I have never had a broken bone, let alone a bad sprain, so all this discomfort, pain and immobility is new to me.
I even think I am developing some kind of arthritis or tendon issue in my right hand. This morning I had trouble grasping things. Mainly with my thumb and forefinger. When I tried to pick up something or turn my wrist, a dull pain would radiate through those fingers towards the wrist. Simple things such as picking up the Brita filter or turnng on a faucet makes it hurt. I am going to do my best to not over-exert and over-use the hand but that going to be a difficult task for me. I guess I will does up on ibuprofins. That should help both the toe and the wrist.
I got some sad news Monday evening. I knew it was coming and it was only a matter of time before it happened. My Oma died Monday morning. She has been in hospice for a few months and her health has been declining over the last 4 years. She has had several other problems over the past few months that actually should have killed her. She developed sepsis following a UTI and bladder infection that went unnoticed for a while. Somehow they got those problems under control with some hella-high dose antibiotic and she made it through. I think she just didn't wake up this time. I take comfort knowing that she isn't in pain anymore and is now with her beloved husband, my Opa, who died in 2002. SH and I are leaving for North Carolina tomorrow for the funeral.
*Oma is the german word for Grandmother. Opa is the german word for Grandfather. My brother and I started calling our grandparents this since we lived in Germany as children.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
overworked, overwhelmed and underpaid

Sunday, September 9, 2007
After the swelling went down a bit, the bruise started forming. I was then able to move things around a little and could tell where the initial injury was. The boo-boo is on the inside of the pinkie toe where it joins the foot. The skin isn't broken, I think somehow I pulled the toe away from the rest of the foot by getting it stuck in the wheel mechanism of the shopping cart. The bruise runs down the medial side of the toe and extends about 3 inches into the anterior side of the foot. (Nice use of medical jargon huh?) It looks like a puddle of purple on the top of my foot. It seems to get more purple every hour and I imagine it will molt into a lovely shade of greenish yellow, reminiscent of my lipo bruises. I have been doing my best to stay off it and keep it iced, but with weekend chores it has been difficult. I am going to see if there is something I can do tomorrow at work that will allow me to sit. Visual field tests maybe...... Walking hurts and I waddle when I do. That sucks. I really hate this happened within my first week of work!! I would show yall a picture but I don't want to scare you off. I don't mind my feet, I just hate the pinkie toenail. Sometimes I wish we didn't even have a nail on that toe because it is always misshapen and wierd looking. I have NEVER seen a pinkie toenail that was pretty.
Saturday, September 8, 2007
The new job
Another good thing happened last week....SH got a call back from a job he applied for. He has an interview next thursday. I really hope he gets the job!!!!!!
I think I broke my toe!!!
Monday, September 3, 2007
Less than 12 hours to go
I doubt I will have time (or access) to a computer at work so chances are good I won't be able to post during the week. Lord knows by the time I get home I won't want to do anything but eat dinner, relax and get ready for the next day. I really hope SH can find a job soon so we will be able to move closer to our work. It would save several hundred dollars a month in gas money and would return a couple of hours to my day. :)
I also have to take a test for a state job this weekend. I took another one last week and should have the results back sometime this week. Ya never know, something better may roll my way.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Square doily....almost done
Update: I can't seem to make sense of the finishing instructions so as of now I am stuck with the nine squares. I have put this project away and finished another small doily last night while watching a movie and started yet another one. I will block the small one sometime today. Pic coming soon.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Ever hear of the Diva Cup?
One year ago...
I am so happy she has finally made it through to the other side. It is amazing what can transpire in a year. She has soldiered on knowing that things had to be dealt with only to move forward. She has kept her sense of humor and almost the entire time she has had a positive outlook. I am sure she has had some moments of negativity and dejection, but who wouldn't? D, you are a superhero to me. I love you and can't wait to see you...and the new tits!!!
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Disaster averted
Ants and Bookworms
Now on to the bookworm section of this post. SH finished reading Marley and Me and passed it on to me. I won't give away any of the story, but if you are a pet owner and/or a labrador retriever owner, you will certainly be able to relate to the author and Marley. It was a wonderful read. I finished it in two readings. I couldn't bring myself to stop. The last time I did that with a book was when DaVinci Code came out. I read from the time I woke up to the time I fell asleep. I even read it in the car whilst we were traveling through Atlanta. Anyone who knows me knows how much I loathe the trip through Atlanta. I normally pop a Valium and recline the seat back for that drive. Anyway, if you are looking for a great book, give Marley and Me a try. I am willing to bet you will love it. Prior to Marley and Me, I read We're Just Like You, Only Prettier: Confessions of a Tarnished Southern Belle. It was absolute hilarity. I have to get some of her other books. In between bookworming, I watched Shindler's List. I saw parts of it several years ago but never really knew the story. I knew I was in for a long ride since it arrived on two DVDs. I had been holding off for when I knew I had three hours to commit to it. I have always been fascinated/horrified with the Holocaust. I remember watching some documentaries as a child about concentration camps and for some reason I was under the impression that that is how everyone died. I think that is why I used to fear death so much. I almost had to turn the movie off at one point, I didn't think I could take it anymore. It made me so sad. I figured I needed to trudge through it. Of course at the very end of the movie I was bawling yet again. Whew.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
SH and I have to run some errands this afternoon and we will close the day with a fancy shmancy dinner, where we will use a gift certificate we got last x-mas. YUM!! My question, can we run our errands in our underpants? It would be soo much cooler!!!!
Rant rant rant rant
I returned to work in the Archaeology Department at a local university (Troy University at Troy to be exact). They have been doing everything in their power to become a major player in football over the past few years. This spring, they built 4 new dorms on campus and moved our department to another building so they could have our old building for some other random purpose (that is a completely different rant). Well since the school has been expanding, they have increased student enrollment. What they have failed to do is increase parking to accommodate these new students. I heard through the grapevine that the university sold twice as many parking permits as they have available parking spots. As a result, students are parking in our assigned faculty spots, the grass and even right in the middle of the freaking road! On the first day of school, SH and I were on our way in to campus and saw a tow truck towing away several cars that had parked in the road. Not on the curb but in THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD!! I understand parking is at a premium, but what makes you decide to just stop where you are and park?!?! Anyway, this morning SH and I drove around for 30 minutes looking for a parking spot. He finally dropped me off at our building so I could go ahead and go inside. I was LIVID. It so pisses me off that the place is only interested in how they are viewed by outsiders. They don't give a rats ass how their faculty is treated, or the conditions in several of the buildings. The commercials for the school make me want to blow chunks. I have been told over the years that some of the practice fields that are used by the band and the intermural sports teams are basically made of sod on top of barrels of toxic waste from the lead plant nearby. I have also been told that Troy has an extremely high lead content in the city water (we never drink water straight from the tap 'round here). I have also been told that the building we were moved from contained asbestos. If you were to ask someone in a high position about this matter, it would be denied. One of our maids was so concerned about it she went so far as to take a sample and have it tested at her cost. Guess what, ASBESTOS!!! SH and I worked in that building for years. The repairs that we asked to be fixed were never done, the handicapped doors worked 15% of the time, you could see sky through the brand new roof, AND we didn't have a working bathroom. All we had was "the dungeon" which was never cleaned and looked like a bathroom from a horror movie. We were the department time forgot. But in the meantime, there was a brand new shiny football stadium going up across the road. There were new wrought iron signs put up at all the buildings, the quad was completely renovated and several of the buildings were refaced, but we couldn't take a pee in a clean facility. Now, during this move of our department, we were split so that our wet lab would be located off campus (in a building almost as crummy as the one we just left). This presented yet another challenge since we previously had access to all our equipment for the field as well as laboratory. We now have to schlepp stuff from one place to another and each place isn't very well equipped for our needs. Imagine that! This location off campus is a mixture of offices and two what look like airport hangers. This is where they put all the "trash" from the university like marble gateways, surplus and other stuff. SH told me that another employee at that location was told that her office area used to have a mold problem. You know how the university fixed it? Well they just covered it up with sheetrock and slapped a new coat of paint on it. Problem solved! The things that go on here just chap my hide and I am so glad that I will be leaving it for good soon. SH is still looking for a different job so hopefully my little family will soon be clear of this place forever.
Monday, August 20, 2007
I got the job!
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Banana Chocolate Crepes
1 beaten egg
3/4 cup milk
1/2 cup flour
1 t. oil
1 T sugar
Caramelized Bananas:
3 bananas, sliced on the bias
1/3 cup butter
1/3 cup brown sugar, packed
cinnamon to taste
Mix all crepe ingredients together. I used a whisk to make the mixture very smooth. Heat a small skillet over medium heat and lightly coat with oil/Pam. Remove skillet from heat and add 1/4 cup of mixture. Swirl the skillet to evenly coat with crepe mixture. Put back on heat for 2 minutes, flip crepe gently and allow to cook for another minute. Continue with remaining crepe mixture. I set the finished crepes aside until ready to assemble.
For the bananas, melt butter in large skillet. Add brown sugar and mix thoroughly. When combined, add bananas and cook for a few minutes. They will become very soft. Add cinnamon and mix to coat.
To assemble, coat 1/2 of crepe with a little Nutella. Add your bananas and flip the other half over to cover. Top with some of the banana juice if desired.
These are DELICIOUS.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Job Offer!
Hmmm, maybe I need to something to take my mind off the job hunt. :)
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Why the British accent?
I may be re-employed soon!
On the crochet front, I have finished mom's wrap and it looks great. I ended up with 2 1/2 extra skeins of yarn since the yarn I chose didn't have the weight listed on it and I am still kinda ignorant as to weight/length in skeins. I am gonna use the leftover to make another wrap for SH's mom. Doily #2 is completed and is being blocked at this very moment.
Classes start back at the college tomorrow and I am sooo not excited about that. I am so tired with dealing with college students. The best time in this podunk town is summer, when all the students are gone. I have refused to buy a parking permit since chances are prety good that I won't be able to find a parking spot. They continue to build dorms and increase enrollment but can't figure out that they will need more parking. Go figure. If it ain't football or elementary school teachers (aka sorority girls) it don't matter.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Finished projects

Pink and red loopy belt.

This will have to go to someone with a smaller waist than me. I doubt I will list it on Etsy, I will probably give it away. It fits me but I am not one of those fortunate souls that can pull off a viewable belt. I hide mine under a shirt.
I have been working on Mom's wrap since last night and it is going VERY quickly. The pattern called for an N hook but I couldn't get gauge so I am using a R hook. I am about 3/4 of the way done with the wrap, the pockets should take no time flat.
This is the wrap. Pretty cute huh?

Friday, August 10, 2007
My first doily is done!!
I found it!!!
*Warning - contains sexual references
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Get the walker ready, Cla is OLD.
With the doily idea in hand and antsy fingers, I started Doily #1 yesterday afternoon. I am doing an "easy" pattern in a light purply-lilac. I have attempted doilies before but have always managed to screw them up at about round 5. I would rip out my progress only to start again. Inevitably I would mess up again and rip it out again. To date, I have still not completed a single doily. Hopefully this will be the first. I am up to round 8 of 12. I got to round 9 last night but realized I frucked up and ripped back to round 8. I decided to put it away before I did any more damage. Hopefully I can finish #1 up tonite and get it blocked and ready for the crafty room.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
In the bag
The job itself isn't too much different that what I did previously at Dr. McA's. There are several more instruments to learn how to work since this is an Opthamologist instead of an Optometerist, but I really think I would do great at it. I did mention to S that everything was a little overwhelming, but of course with any new job it will be. She laughed and reassured me. Get this, they even get to wear SCRUBS. That is so freaking great. You have no idea how much I love the idea of wearing PJ's to work every day! No need to buy fancyshmancy work outfits. No need to plan the night before what you will wear the next day. In this case it would be a choice between the blue scrubs the blue scrubs or the blue scrubs. The office has a yearly allowance THEY PAY for your scrubs. ROCK. S also mentioned that Wednesdays are only half days. That gives the employees time to do doctors appointments and errands. Also Rock!
Nedless to say, I shot my interview out of the park.
Lets see how SH's interview goes. He is taking a power nap now and will be getting ready for his in the next few hours. *Spoken like Tony Little in the Gazelle commercial* You can do itttttttttttt!!!
Oh yea, I completely forgot to elaborate about the sleepless night. I tried going to bed early to get my beauty rest. LOL. What a crock. I went to bed around 10. I tossed and turned for a while and as soon as I was almost asleep, Baraka decided that he needed to go out. This seriously went on for HOURS. When he wasn't asking to go outside he was panting. He wasn't hot, he does this for attention and it is extremely annoying. At 2:30 I had had enough. I jumped out of bed ready to beat his heinie and I slipped on the carpet and busted my ass. I let him out and he ran directly to the woods. He had to poop. OK. FINE. SH heard the commotion, woke up and offered to watch for Baraka and let me get back in bed. He closed off the bedroom so Baraka would'nt bother me. Instead, Baraka tap-danced on the linoleum outside the bedroom the rest of the night. He really isn't a dancer, We call it tap-dancing because that is what it sounds like he is doing. Sooooo, neither I or SH got much sleep last night and we are exhausted. Maybe I need a nap toooooo. :)
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
j-o-b interview!!!
UPDATE: SH has an interview tomorrow too!!! I am preparing a celebratory dinner of s'ghetti and vino to ready us for our interviewin'. mmmmm.
Sunday, August 5, 2007
A serious world o' hurt
I think the headache was from too much sun. I had been drinking water all day, and I had eaten. I think I just got too damn hot. :(
Friday, August 3, 2007
My hook is a smokin'!!!

Mother of purl has kindly offered to take all the other leftovers off my hands too. I will now have room to make a NEW YARN PURCHASE to get Mom's shawl started. I am still unsure and debating colors. I am leaning heavily towards a variagated blue or purple or green. I guess once I see them in person I will have an easier time choosing. I know that she cannot wear certain olivey-yellows or else she looks like death warned (warmed?) over. I will opt for something bright and cheery. I just know she will love this shawl.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Charity squares
I also have lots of odds and ends of yarn that I seriously doubt I will ever use. Anyone want it? Mother of Purl? This means you. I bought several small skeins of baby eyelash yarn ages ago that I cannot stand working with. I wish I would have kept the receipt!!!
Black Bean Salsa
I absolutely LOVE black beans. I was recently served a Black Bean salsa at a friends house and have been looking for a recipe to recreate it. I hear that Publix has a ready made BB salsa, but I prefer to make my own. Here is a recipe I found and made last night. The result is pure salsa-ey goodness.
3 15 ounce cans black beans, drained and rinsed
1 11 ounce can of Mexicorn, drained
2 10 ounce cans Rotel, partially drained
2 tomatoes, diced
2 bunches green onion, chopped
Cilantro leaves for garnish (The SH and I HATE cilantro so I omitted it)
Mix everything together in a large bowl. Refrigerate at least 8 hours or overnight before serving. I took it out of the fridge every few hours to stir and remix the ingredients.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Back on the workout wagon
I gotta get back into it. I paid, correction, am still paying for the procedure to help me lose my biggest problem areas. I can't just regrow them now. It would be a waste of my investment. I feel pumped about getting back into my workout schedule. I can't wait to start seeing the results of a good, sweaty, muscle burning workout.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Last day
Heres to one more day at the office!!! :)
Monday, July 30, 2007
The last Monday at work
Anyhoo, enough bitching. I worked on my charity squares this weekend and even did a few in Tunisian stitch. I think I will have a nice variety when they are all finished. I ended up leaving my yarn at the office over the weekend so I ended up using up some leftovers from other projects I did in the same colors! Yea for destashing!!!
Friday, July 27, 2007
A very merry unbirthday to the SH
At around 2 SH answered the door. The UPS man had come a callin'. The gift had been delivered early! Cool! Wrapped in the manufacturers box. Not cool. Labeled with exactly what was inside. Also not cool. I think the labeling even went so far to tell him the person who put the monitor in the box. I was the dumbass that did not check the "this item is a gift" option during the checkout pro-cess. I was under the ASSUMPTION that if I checked that box, I would be charged another 5 Simoleons for gift wrap. I didn't realize that it meant that the gift would ship discreetly. Double DOH!
SupaHubby is currently at CrapMart buying new speakers to go with his early birthday present. A 19 inch widescreen LCD monitor.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
New project idears
I also found this through the annies attic website. I am sooooo gonna make something.
I am finished with square #4 for the group charity blanket. I think I am gonna wait until I have a few more squares before I finish blocking. I have 1 skein of yarn left in dark blue so I guess I will do another 4 squares. They are actually rectangles so I don't know why they are called squares. Discuss amongst yourselves.
Is there such a think as a granny rectangle? I have a bit of leftover light blue yarn and I assume I will have the same amount of dark blue. I guess I could do a 9th square, I mean rectangle in a grannyesque pattern.
Update: There IS such an animal. Mash here
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
New post
Seriously though, my time at work has almost come to an end and I am none too pleased. I started gathering my officey stuff together and have taken an armload of it down to the truck each evening. I had no idea how much stuff I had amassed over the past 7 months. It consists of four plants, two blankets, a desk lamp, toiletries, tchotchkies, magazines, books, training binders, crochet supplies, a RioGrande catalog and a plethora of work related paperwork. Where on earth am I gonna put this stuff now?!?! ARGH.
Another thing. I need a neeeeewwww crochet project.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Rescued puppy update
If you are interested in adopting her or any of the animals, the shelter is located at 1150 John Overton Drive, Montgomery.
phone: 334-409-0622
Their website (link above) has a "featured pet". I am going to keep an eye out to see if she becomes one, she definately has potential. I am also curious to see if she will be featured on the local news. Every (I think) Thursday, they feature a few adoptable pets from the shelter. She is gonna be a supastar!!!!

Friday, July 20, 2007
All hail the squaremakers!!!
A few of the crafty ladies at work have decided to create squares for a charity blanket. This is a project right up my alley. I have done charity blankets before and feel it is something I can do to help a person in need. We got the idea here. I purchased two skeins of Caron Simply Soft in Country Blue and Dark Country Blue (for those who would like to coordinate colors). The yarn is inexpensive, easy to care for and as the name implies, soft. Perfect qualities for a charity blanket! I started on my first square and imagine I will continue to crochet squares until I cannot make another dc in sc. lol, I am such a crochet nerd. :)

Thursday, July 19, 2007
How can people be so cruel?
On my way home, I slowed down when I approached that area and rolled down the window to get a better look. There she was. Hiding under some overgrown bushes she cowered. I called "puppy puppy" and she lit up. She knew I was trying to be sweet but was still completelly afraid of me. I told her I would return and continued home. The SH had just arrived home with our 2 dogbabies and I told him that I found her and had to do something for her. We rounded up the dogbabes and off we went. Now I might add that we didn't really have a plan. We were just going to see if she was still there. She was. She responded to sweet talk and crawled out from under the bush she was hiding under. She seemed friendly but still very skittish. SH started checking her out and aside from being obviously underfed, her ears were INFESTED with ticks. One of her ears had an abcess somewhere deep. SH would pull out a tick and she would yelp and yelp. She eventually understood that SH was helping her and you could see the appreciation in her eyes. Ok, so we know where a starving, tick-encrusted, black and white lab mix puppy is located. Now what? We can't take another animal. We are bursting at the seams as it is. What do we do? We decided to bring her home (getting her there was another story altogether), put her in the pen and see what we can figure out. If anything, she will have a nice meal and plenty of water. SH has arranged for her to visit our veterinarian tomorrow. I guess her fate will be decided then. She may be too far gone. She may just need some medication. There isn't a pound here in Podunk, Alabama so I may have to take her to where I know there is a no-kill shelter.
What pisses me the fuck off is why on earth would someone do this to an animal? Just dump it out of a car like a bag of trash. It broke my heart to see her there KNOWING she wouldn't survive too much longer. There is no telling how long she has been there. How long ago it was that some douchebag decided to throw away a 5 month old dog. This dog is so adorable I couldn't imagine anyone not liking her. She is a sweetheart and I know a little boy would adore her. If only we can find that right little boy.
Update: She made it through the night! We took her to the vet a little while ago. They are going to clean her up, check her out and if possible give her all her immunizations. If they can't find a home for her, I have offered to take her to the nearest no-kill shelter. Here are a few pics of her. Again, if anyone in the Montgomery or surrounding area is interested in her,let me know and we may be able to arrange something.

Going Away Lunch
I am so sad to be leaving, but I am also glad I was given the opportunity to work with everyone...and make new friends. I only hope that the chance will arise where I can return.
Want to read a review of Nancy Pattersons? Mash here
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Black Belt Treasures
Here is the site if you want to take a looksee:
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Going away party
Only 10 more work days to go! I think the number may actually be 9 since I am pondering taking Friday off.
On a lighter note, a friend has passed my resume on to her old boss who is looking for a replacement for a position in his office.
why would you?
That leads me to yet another vehicle I see almost every morning. It is a truck that has bull horns on the front where the hood ornament would normally be located. Think Boss Hogg from the Dukes of Hazzard. What is the significance of that? Will his cows follow him when he drives into the pasture? Will it scare the cows when he drives into the pasture? Will it scare other cars and motorists into thinking his truck is actually a bull? I would be interested to hear his reasoning behind this.