Mile a Minute Afghan

Rippled lapghan
While at a friend's house Saturday, I ended up smoking several cigarettes while watching the Bama game. I woke up Sunday with a hell of a cough. I was under the assumption that it was just the cigarettes. It wasnt. I coughed all day yesterday, had a runny nose and my throat has been sore to boot. Lucky me! I have a cold! I spent all morning in bed and have been drinking water like it is going out of style. It has been ages since I have been sick so I have forgotten exactly how it feels. I am going to do everything in my power to prevent this cold from turning into a sinus infection. The last one I had was the worst one ever. I remember sitting in the waiting room at the doctors office with a terrible cough. I really thought I was going to cough up a lung. I know everyone else in there was getting p'od because I couldn't stop the coughing, but I was a sick girl. They ended up giving me two shots in the heinie. One was an antibiotic, the other was a steriod. Needless to say I am trying to nip this one in the bud before it turns. I have a dentist appointment AND a job interview Thursday morning, so I need to be as close to 100% as I can by then. SH went and bought me some chicken soup and meds to help me heal. Wierd but I have been craving oodles of noodles soup. mmmmmm. Warm brothy goodness.
Haha, you took it in the ass! I always knew you were a FREAK! Seriously, I'm sorry you had to subsist on watery fare for a while. Did you eat ramen noodles and have college flashbacks? Hahahahahaha!
I most certainly lived off Ramen noodles. I have developed a taste for the Cup O' Noodle variatay. The chicken is my favorite. I even bought a few packs the other day at the grocery just to have when those cravings hit. :)
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