Yesterday marked my first attempt at canning. I made Habanero Jelly! A friend gave us a bag of Habanero peppers and I knew that we wouldn't possibly be able to consume them all. I thought about it for a bit and remembered tasting Habanero jelly a few years ago. It was hot but still sweet, perfect for cream cheese and crackers. I bought all the necessary accoutrement and after reading and rereading everything I could get my hands on, decided to give it a whirl. I remembered visiting my Oma as a child and seeing her basement filled with canned veggies. They had a large garden and she canned almost everything that came out of it. I just don't remember ever watching the process. I was worried that my little experiment wouldn't work out but it seems that all the jars have sealed. That means I have done something right! I am patiently impatiently waiting for SH to get home so we can taste test the inagural batch.
Taste test results:
The jelly turned out to be delicious. YAY ME!!! I am so pleased with my first attempt. I should have made more than 6 jars! I think I have a new idea for gifts this year. :)
Here, have a bite.

1 comment:
Holy crap, you crafty little bitch! You are so Martha Stewart. Or Stuart. Whatever.
I'm so impressed. And I was just reading my how-to-preserve-food book the other night thinking, I wish I could can some stuff. That's really cool and I want to try some of that jellay!
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