I found out earlier in the week that a dear friend of mine is expecting! I told her before she got knocked up that whenever she was with child, I would make her whatever she wanted. She has requested blankets. I had previously started a Hooded Blanket and finally found the yarn I needed and finished it this afternoon. I also have made a Afghan and Hat set that are ADORABLE. The blanket has a hole in it so it can be attached to a car seat. Too cool. I am currently working on a rippled blanket and have a few more ideas up my sleeve. I don't know whether or not to post pics. Mommy-to-be, do you want to see your baby items or do you want them to be surprises?
I finally applied for unemployment last week. I really should have done this ages ago but I seriously thought I would have a job by now. I should know in another week or so if they will accept my application.
I am still working out like a madwoman. I am doing at least 30 minutes on the treadmill 5 days a week and 20-40 minutes of cardio/yoga/pilates 5 days a week. WHEW. I have only lost 3 lbs. but I guess you have to start somewhere. must.keep.at.it.
We get to puppy-sit this weekend!! Disco is super excited about having a playmate. We will be keeping a friends puppy while they are in Florida at DisneyWorld. I only hope Baraka doesn't think we are adding another dog to our family. He had such a hard time when we got his sister!!